Monday, July 26, 2010

Holding a Kitten

In the holiday's I went to Wet Pets. At Wet Pets I got to hold a mostly black kitten. I said it was mostly black because it had a white spot under its chin. When it was my dads turn to hold the kitten it though he was a tree. I also got to pat a rabbit. The rabbit had droopy ears. I got to see one of the rabbit's teeth when it yawned. I had to stand on a stool to pat the rabbit. There were three rabbits.


  1. It sounds like lots of fun going to Wet Pets to look at the animals. Makes me want to go there and hold a kitten and pat a rabbit. I have never seen a rabbit yawn before. I bet that was cute! Why did the kitten think your dad was a tree? I like the way you used the word droopy to describe the rabbit's ears. Well done!

  2. I said my Dad was a tree because it climbed all over him.

  3. Maia, i loved reading about how you went to Wet Pets during the School Holidays. It's a lot of fun to be able to see and pat the different types of animals. Lisa loves to visit the Pet shop too. Wow Maia you should be very proud of your Story Writing. You have written a very detailed Story and I love the way you have described the animals characteristics (Lisa)

  4. You are giving lots of extra information to help us understand what you mean, Maia.

    Dad the tree

  5. Wet Pets is soooo much fun. I think the kitten thought Dad was a tree because he is so tall! I wonder why rabbits have droopy ears.
    Keep writing Maia I love reading your stories.


  6. You have a very clever way of telling this story. I could imagine how the kitten looked because you described it very clearly. I was also impressed that you remembered how many rabbits there were. Saying how you saw the rabbit's teeth is good. Rabbits don't usually show their teeth - it was a very special moment to see it yawn.
    Aunty Rachel
